Mikie is Working to Protect New Jerseyans with Pre-Existing Conditions

Mikie is getting results for us in Congress and fighting to strengthen protections for the more than 300,000 New Jerseyans in this district with pre-existing conditions like asthma, diabetes, or cancer.

  • Opposing efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Repealing it would take insurance away from 27,000 New Jerseyans in NJ-11 and eliminate protections for those with pre-existing conditions. [H. Res. 271, Passed 4/3/19; Center for American Progress, 7/9/19]


  • Working to crack down on junk insurance plans that allow insurance companies to deny coverage based on pre-existing conditions, and stop insurance companies from offering plans where they can charge individuals with pre-existing conditions more. [H.R. 1425, Passed 6/29/20] [H.R. 986, Passed 5/9/19]

Navy Pilot.
Federal Prosecutor.

She’s fighting for us in Congress.

Paid for by Mikie Sherrill for Congress